"And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn... And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God." (Luke 2:7,13 KJV)
My beloved ones,
Let Me take you to that holy night - not as you've seen it on greeting cards, but as I orchestrated it. The air in Bethlehem was thick with the dust of thousands of travelers, their sandals marking roads built by Roman oppressors. My chosen people were weary, their prayers for deliverance rising like evening incense into the Judean sky.
In a crude limestone cave, carved into the hillside, where generations of shepherds had sheltered their lambs during birthing season, My Son entered your world. The cave walls echoed with Mary's labor cries - the same sound Eve first uttered after the fall. Do you grasp the poetry? Through the birth pains of sin entered your world. Through the birth pains of Mary, salvation for that sin entered your world.
The swaddling bands Mary used? They weren't mere strips of cloth. These were the same ceremonial wrappings shepherds used to protect newborn lambs destined for Temple sacrifice. My Lamb, wrapped in death's clothing from His first breath. Every detail spoke prophecy.
Above that cave, beyond human sight, My angels pressed close to heaven's windows, their light barely contained. When I finally released them to sing, they burst forth like a dam breaking, their glory causing the very air to vibrate with majesty. The shepherds - those quiet witnesses I chose - fell on their faces, their hearts seizing with holy terror before My messengers could speak peace.
And there, in that feeding trough carved from stone - so like the tomb that would later be borrowed - lay your Creator. His newborn cries harmonized with Heaven's anthem, His tiny fingers that had sculpted galaxies now curled around Mary's thumb.
My manger-heart at Central Bible Ministries welcomes you - Mondays 9:30 AM or 6:30 PM. Come behold My Son.
With eternal wonder,
The Father who gave His only Son
Your Bethlehem Truth:
I entered your chaos to bring My peace. I chose humble settings to showcase holy splendor. I still come to unlikely places and unlikely people - just like you.
This Night's Wonder:
Where do you see My majesty in the mundane?
How am I being revealed in your unexpected places?
What glory awaits behind your ordinary moments?
Share Your Heart:
Describe where you've found Me in unlikely places
How has My humility touched your heart?
Comment if you need to see My glory afresh